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Open structural systems allow water to pass through with minimal resistance, and interior ramps allow for easy ingress and vertical circulation 47 Figura 4-3 Sports complex. Designed for assembly use, this type of structure can accommodate circulation and service needs for large numbers of people 48 Figura 4-4 Hotel and convention complex. Meeting rooms, ballrooms, and exhibit spaces located above the tsunami inundation elevation can be used to provide areas of refuge. 48 Figura 4-5 Evacuation map for Waikiki, Hawaii, indicating use of existing buildings for vertical evacuation 49 Figura 5-1 Vertical evacuation refuge locations considering travel distance, evacuation behavior, and naturally occurring high ground 54 Figura 5-2 Site hazards adjacent to vertical evacuation structures 55 Figura 6-1 Seismic performance objectives linking building performance levels to earthquake hazard levels 66 Figura 6-2 Hydrostatic force distribution and location of resultant 71 Figura 6-3 Buoyant forces on an overall building with watertight lower levels 72 Figura 6-4 Hydrodynamic force distribution and location of resultant 73 Figura 6-5 Hydrodynamic impulsive and drag forces on components of a building subjected to inundation by a tsunami bore 75 Figura 6-6 Waterborne debris impact force 75 Figura 6-7 Maximum flow velocity of depth, d, at the ground elevation, z, and maximum runup elevation, R. 77 Figura 6-8 A definition sketch for upward buoyant force exerted on an elevated floor 79 Figura 6-9 Gravity loads exerted on an elevated floor with water retained by exterior walls during rapid drawdown 81 Figura 6-10 Impulsive and drag forces applied to an example building 83 Figura 6-11 Debris dam and drag forces applied to an example building 83 Figura 6-12 Tie force strategy 87 Figura 6-13 Detailing of reinforcing steel for potential loss of a supporting column 87 Figura 6-14 Missing column strategy 89 Figura 7-1 Effect of breakaway walls on waves 94 Figura A-1 Life-Saving Tower 101 Figura A-2 Nishiki Tower 102 Figura A-3 Refuge at Shirahama Beach Resort 103 Figura A-4 Tsunami refuge in Kaifu, Japan 104 Figura A-5 Berm constructed for tsunami refuge in Aonae, Japan 104 Figura A-6 Aonae Elementary School. Upper floors are intended for use as tsunami refuge space 105 Figura B-1 Hypothetical sketch of example community showing potential vertical evacuation structure sites and evacuation routes 107 Figura B-2 Example community inundation map 108 Figura B-3 Example community inundation flow velocity map 109 Figura B-4 Example escape berm design 110 Figura B-5 Example escape berm plan layout 111 Figura B-6 Example escape berm section 111 Figura B-7 Example escape berm rear elevation 112 Figura B-8 Example gymnasium 113 Figura B-9 Example gymnasium plan 114 Figura B-10 Example gymnasium elevation 114 Figura C-1 Definition sketch for example calculations 117 Figura C-2 Condition resulting in buoyant forces 119 Figura D-1 Ranges of duration of impact 127 Figura E-1 Maximum flow velocity of depth, d, at the ground elevation, z, and maximum runup elevation, R 133     FEMA P646 List of Figures  PAGE xii FEMA P646 List of Figures  PAGE xiii @jmstux ^ _ a b h m      ⮣⣘}}hL_%mH PsH Phsh.OmH PsH PhsmH PsH PhshsmH PsH Phsh)mH PsH PhshZgdmH PsH Phmh.OmH PsH Phmh)mH PsH PhmmH PsH Phmh%mH PsH PhVmH PsH PhmhZgdmH PsH PhmhmmH PsH P.m b  ! . 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