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Real-Time GPS Streaming at PRSN

The PRSN streams GPS stations as part of our regular data operations. The real-time data is available in BINEX and RTCM in real time through the NTRIP. A map and a list of stations for the real time transmission are available in our web site http://www.prsn.uprm.edu/English/EstacionesV3/gps.php. To access the GPS RT network and its stream of data a username and password is required. The interested users should email prsn-rtgps@prsn.uprm.edu to obtain the host name and the port for our NTRIP caster. Once the user connects to our NTRIP machine they agree to accept the PRSN's streaming data policy.

An NTRIP client is necessary to access the PRSN data stream. More information about the NTRIP can be found in http://igs.bkg.bund.de/ntrip/about.
Once the NTRIP client has been configured, it will return a list of mounting points for PRSN's streaming stations. An example of a mount point where “MAYZ” is the name of the station:

STR;MAYZ;Mayaguez Port-PR;RTCM 3.0

The PRSN does not guarantee the availability, quality or reliability of the GPS data streams.
Please send your questions or concerns to prsn-rtgps@prsn.uprm.edu